The Dos Triques Formula - Dog Brothers Martial Arts
Dr. Ed Thomas is a Fulbright Scholar, martial artist and university professor with over 25 years of teaching experience. The Fitness Council of the NSGA has recognized Dr. Thomas as a quotable Health and fitness Expert.
The shoulder girdle is by far one of the Movable Most Areas of the body BUT it is one of the Also Most Fragile areas. For serious and recreational athletes alike, the pain and instability that results from shoulder injuries can jeopardize careers and alter lifestyles. As with many injuries, this number could be greatly reduced with the proper care and training. Strength of the shoulder should be complemented by flexibility, yet many Americans never fully develop their natural shoulder girdle mobility and muscular balance. When the ball-and-socket of the shoulder Joint is made strong, aligned and mobile, like the other joints - wrist and elbow Also Benefit. Indian Club Swinging CAN be described as circular Weight Training BUT CAN exercise the shoulder, Wrist, and Elbow in ways not possible with traditional linear weight training. Indian Club swinging will not only strengthen muscles and ligaments, maintain joint flexibility, and improve range of motion but will greatly reduce risk of injury. You will also notice improved grace, rhythm and eye-hand coordination due to the concentration and neural demands necessary to perform the movements. The benefits of Indian Club Exercises are enormous and can greatly enhance the performance of any athlete.