Cameron Shayne - Budokon Power and Agility
Budokon - Power and Agility is the preferred training tool for experienced yogis, MMA fighters, martial artists, and Olympic athletes alike. This program from the Budokon System (combining yoga, martial arts, and meditation) will take whatever art, sport, or discipline you practice to the next level. Fighting Crocodile, Leaping Leopard, and Dancing Lion are just a few of the ground breaking techniques that forever transform your body. If you have been looking for a DVD workout that will finally kick your butt and at the same time cultivate awareness of mind, this is it! A special bonus tutorial offers a detailed explanation and demonstration of each Budokon technique - it's like having a private session at home with Cameron Shayne! The DVD also contains a director's commentary, consisting of a personal and in-depth discussion of the art of Budokon, revealing founder Cameron Shayne's motivations and perspectives on creating this unique art form..

Budokon - Power and Agility is the preferred training tool for experienced yogis, MMA fighters, martial artists, and Olympic athletes alike. This program from the Budokon System (combining yoga, martial arts, and meditation) will take whatever art, sport, or discipline you practice to the next level. Fighting Crocodile, Leaping Leopard, and Dancing Lion are just a few of the ground breaking techniques that forever transform your body. If you have been looking for a DVD workout that will finally kick your butt and at the same time cultivate awareness of mind, this is it! A special bonus tutorial offers a detailed explanation and demonstration of each Budokon technique - it's like having a private session at home with Cameron Shayne! The DVD also contains a director's commentary, consisting of a personal and in-depth discussion of the art of Budokon, revealing founder Cameron Shayne's motivations and perspectives on creating this unique art form..