TACFIT Fire Fighter: First Alarm (2012)

Are you ready to Increase Strength Power, Improve Your Metabolic Conditioning, and Enhance Your Recovery? Do you want to move better, alleviate pain, and improve cardiac health?
TACFIT Fire Fighter: First Alarm is a comprehensive and specific fitness program designed for  firefighters, by firefighters.
What others are saying:I just picked up the full product! Holy Moly; you guys really out did yourselves!
GREAT! Great content, wonderful organization, good production quality, and SOLID from front to back. The best TACFIT format and delivery system to date! I never expected such high quality and such easy access delivery!
Just jumped in, looks great, professional, and high quality! Canï't wait to really work this program!
I thought I was in fairly decent shape, that is until I tried TACFIT Fire Fighter! I'm on it!

My new fitness program has begun.
Congratulations and Thank You for a Great TACFIT program.
7 TRAINING PROTOCOLS: Moderate and High Intensity Training
Time under tension
20 seconds work/10 seconds rest
4 minute rounds
Each minute on the minute
As many rounds as possible

The training protocols mimic the variety of burst-recovery intervals that we may encounter in a firefight. Each training session includes warm-up and cool down sequences specific to the exercises that you will be performing.
TEAM-BUILDING: Exercise options for all fitness levels
First Alarm was designed as a group fitness program. Each protocol has a variety of exercise options to meet the needs for all fitness levels. Firefighters rely on teamwork in all that we do, we work together, we eat together, and we train together. First Alarm allows us to exercise together in a way that builds camaraderie and encourages us to do our best, regardless of our differences in fitness levels.
Recruit: Brand new to First Alarm. Building a foundation for tactical fitness.
Proby: Participating in the program for several weeks. Ready to move beyond basic movements.
Firefighter: Participating in the program for several months. Making great gains in mobility, strength, and conditioning.
Smoke Eater: Participating in the program for a year or more. Reaching an elite level of tactical fitness.

EFFICIENCY: Minimize Training Time
Each workout is 40 minutes in duration depending on the training scheduled for the day.
Includes specific priming and compensatory exercises on the moderate and high intensity days.
OPTIMIZE RESULTS: Simple guidelines to enhance your success
First Alarm includes some simple guidelines to optimize your progress through the program..

Points are awarded for following the training calendar as it is designed and for eating healthy, well balanced meals most of the time. Adhering to the training guidelines more that 70% of the time has been proven to provide:
- Significant gains in expressible strength.
- The ability to work near max HR, recover quickly and continue working.
- Improved joint health and range of motion.
- The ability to move the body through a more complete range of motion, achieving flow state
- Increased lean body mass.
- Decreased body fat.

FIRE STATION DESIGN: Each workout can be with limited equipment and space
Many of the movements in First Alarm are body weight only. There are many that use exercise tools such as Clubbells, kettlebells and medicine balls. For those movements requiring special equipment, alternative movements have been provided using more basic equipment. Each movement can be modified depending on the equipment and space available to you.

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