Bob Harper - Ultimate Cardio Body: Extreme Weight Loss Workout
Get ready for hyper-superkardiotrenirovke Extreme Cardio Workout by Bob.
Burn hundreds of calories with the rapidly succeeding each other at a
fast pace exercises that involve your entire muscular system and
increase the heart rate to the maximum.
You will feel that all the muscles tense up a single, advanced to the weighting exercise will make work your cardiovascular system and muscles, to relieve you of excess weight, a kilogram for kilogram. Change your ideas about the limit of your capabilities, increase the speed of your classes and bring your body into incredible shape, coming back to this video over and over again. Engage non-stop! (Hourly cardio with weights starting from the bottom of the body, gradually increasing the pulse, then worked out his hands, chest and back.)
You will feel that all the muscles tense up a single, advanced to the weighting exercise will make work your cardiovascular system and muscles, to relieve you of excess weight, a kilogram for kilogram. Change your ideas about the limit of your capabilities, increase the speed of your classes and bring your body into incredible shape, coming back to this video over and over again. Engage non-stop! (Hourly cardio with weights starting from the bottom of the body, gradually increasing the pulse, then worked out his hands, chest and back.)
The first set: Extreme Cardio Challenge - this time with high-intensity cardio to burn calories weighting you, doing all the movements without stopping. Work through all the major muscle groups, starting with the legs and buttocks. High impact exercise will increase your pulse rate. What follows is directed exercise muscles in the arms, chest and back. Continuous movement at a fast pace will make you sweat and will open up new heights of fitness.
The second set: Glute Challenge - a 10-minute workout aimed at the elaboration of a power glutes. Slow and coordinated movements involve only one group of muscles to burn fat and strengthen the muscles of the lower body. You would think that a 10-minute workout - it's easy? You change your mind well before its completion. Ask yourself the heat!